Friday 15 May 2015

Weekend reading and viewing: 16th - 17th May 2015

The dignity of Hayden’s risk
Thea Calzoni, Every Australian Counts, 11th May 2015
Hayden McLean can’t live with his family, and nor should he be expected to at 36 years of age. He needs his space for his various projects such as French knitting and drawing. He likes to be free and explore the world around him. Some have called this ‘absconding’. His mother calls it “accessing the community” ...

Cap and Gown
Emma's Blog, 11th May 2015
... Micah reminds me over and over again that this work -- this work of creating the beloved community -- must involve intentional and authentic inclusion. Micah is who he is because inclusion (and Micah!) is working at its very best. ...

I am disabled, my life has value
9th May 2015
A video response to Peter Singer

Robert Virtue (with Jill Emberson) 1233 ABC Newcastle, 11th May 2015
A photography exhibition titled 'Outing Disability' is giving Novocastrians a glimpse into the lives of people with a disability who have come out ...

Jerome Archambault, Montreal Gazette12 May 2015
In the French-language press recently, adaptive measures in place for post-secondary students with learning disability or attention-deficit disorders have been challenged. The Quebec Association of Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities would like to share its perspective and bring some nuance to the discussion ...

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