Thursday 30 July 2015

Latest additions to 'events' pages

'Other events' page:
These links provide information about events run by other organisations that might be of interest to people with Down syndrome, their families, carers and professionals who support them

Special Olympics World Games 2015 - Los AngelesSpecial Olympics Australia photos from the Games are updated every day - see them online here.
Send a herogram to the athletes here.
25th July - 2nd August 2015 - online

Seminar Series: Disability, Austerity and Resistance
Social Policy Research Centre - Toby Brandon from Northumbria University, Dan Goodley from the University of Sheffield and Katherine Runswick-Cole from Manchester Metropolitan University engage with the intersections of disability, policy, politics and austerity.
12:30 - 1:30 pm Wednesday 5th August 2015 - UNSW, Kensington

SPRC Social Policy Debate: Supported Decision Making
Social Policy Research Centre - the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities challenges the current legal assumption that sometimes supported decision making for people with disability must be replaced with substitute decision making because some people do not have capacity to make a decision, even with unlimited support. Is it feasible to change the way we think about supported decision making?
4:30pm - 6:30pm Tuesday 11th August 2015 - Australian Law Reform Commission, Sydney

'It Takes Two to Talk' Hanen Program
Lifestart Northern Beaches  - will be running this program from August through to December. Session schedule here. Orientation night for families to find out more:
7.00 pm Tuesday 11th August 2015 - Turramurra

Key Sign Workshop
Key Word Sign NSW - workshops presented by Meagan Rudd and will cover the use of Key Word Sign and natural gesture to assist individuals who have difficulties with receptive and/or expressive communication. Relevant for anyone living or working with a person with communication difficulties such as family members, education and medical professionals, teacher assistants, child care workers and volunteers. No signing experience necessary.
Saturday 15th August 2015 - Springwood
Saturday 12th September 2015 - Parramatta

Everyone needs a home
InCharge webinar - Stories of creative action to achieve a home. Everyone needs a home. It’s hard to quantify its importance in our lives. Our wellbeing, sense of safety and identity are so tightly bound up in home. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW
12.00-1.15pm AEST Tuesday 18th August 2015 - online

Seminar Series: Housing aspirations, transitions and outcomes of people with disability
Social Policy Research Centre - Ilan Wiesel (Vizel) from the UNSW City Futures Centre will present findings from a recent study funded that identified some critical barriers, but also success factors, that enable people with disability to move into housing which better suits their preferences and needs.
12:30pm - 1:30pm Tuesday 25th August 2015 - UNSW, Kensington

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