Thursday 30 July 2015

Resources, publications

Library Shelf: new title
Practical dementia care for adults with Down syndrome or with other intellectual disabilities, by Vee Prasher (2014, Nova Science Publishers) is now available for loan to members.
Extract from the publisher's description:
Dementia in adults with Down syndrome or with intellectual disabilities is a rapidly growing field of health and social care. There is, however, limited information available for families and health care providers on how best to manage associated behaviours and difficulties. ... The book primarily emphasises how best to cope with the clinical problems of dementia but does include information on epidemiology, on the common types of dementia and on the historical perspective of dementia in Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities. It discusses the wide range of physical, psychological, social and legal issues of the different levels of dementia from the time of diagnosis to the end of life. The book includes chapters on aggression, epilepsy, drug treatments and end of life issues.
This book is aimed principally at family members and carers, but is also recommended for professionals, including physicians, psychologists, nurses, health related therapists, working in the field of aging and intellectual disabilities ...
Contact Jo in the library via email to arrange a loan.

Photographer Rachel Callander's wonderful gift to families of children with a disability
Rachel Browne, Sydney Morning Herald, 27th July 2015
... "Sam and I really wanted to balance the negative language around disability," Mrs Callander said. "The images really challenge that perception that disability is something negative. They celebrate ability, they celebrate the child's character and their personality."
... The 75 children featured in the book all have genetic or chromosomal conditions such as Down syndrome, Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.

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