Monday 14 March 2016

21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs (14)

Day 14

Laura Green - UK entrepeneur in fashion

Kate Monaghan, BBC News, 10th July 2015
"I didn't want to work in Asda. I wanted to run my own business," says 28-year-old Laura Green. The young entrepreneur from Runcorn, Cheshire, says that because she has Down's Syndrome people didn't think it was even worth talking to her about her future ...
"There was no career planning at school for me. I was just killing time until I was moved onto the next step in the system. After three years I said 'no more' and I left." With that, Green spent time with family and friends trying to work out what it was she wanted to do with her life. 
"I decided that I wanted to work in fashion. Not for someone else but I wanted to set up my own business selling fashion accessories. So that's what I did."
The 21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs posts are being compiled into a single page, linked in the list just under the banner at the top of this screen. 
You contributions are welcome, if you would like to highlight your own job, or someone with Down syndrome who is working - email the editor at

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