Monday 14 March 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (45)

So what happened with our ADHC Position Statement?
NSW Council on Intellectual Disability (blog), 4 March 2016
NSW CID, along with many of our Members, remain concerned about the transfer of ADHC disability services to the non government sector.

Whilst we appreciated the Governments quick response to CIDs position statement on the transfer and numerous meetings with decision makers, details on the plan are yet to be released.

CID looks forward to ongoing communication with the government on these, including a report on the consultations held with people with disability and family Members. We met next with ADHC on March 16th.

To see more on CIDs actions please read our latest blog post.
(NSW CID on Facebook, 4 March 2016)
Western Australia's Individualised Services, 2015
‘Preparing to Plan’ resources have been designed and developed to support people and families to think about some things that may be helpful when planning. They are a set of 10 cards, with an accompanying booklet. The booklet has some information about using the cards, and also can be used to write notes down for each card set section.

The Pre-Planning Resources are NOT meant to be a replacement for Person Centred Planning. The resources can be used to complement person centred planning approaches
Family support - what the NDIS will fund
Families can play an important part in the lives of participants – both as a critical relationship and as a source of care and support. Some participants and families may need assistance to sustain these relationships. Participants may need additional supports if their family and caring arrangements change.

Lost in transition
Craig Wallace, On the Record, 28 February 2016
(Speech for People with Disability Australia to the Lost in Transition Summit, convened by the ACT Council o
f Social Services, Friday 26 February 2016 at the Canberra Museum and Gallery)
... we must never forget that the NDIS is the Medicare of our day. I’m old enough to remember the relief we felt on the day that yellow and green Medicare envelope arrived through the door in 1984. I remember members of my family crying with relief that they would not have to worry about getting sick. So it is with the purple NDIS access form that arrived in my letterbox earlier this year.  So while I carry an undimmed torch for the NDIS there are things that I don’t want lost in transition ...

Sydney: ILC consultation session for people with disability, families and carers, 6 April
The National Disability Insurance Agency has opened registrations for Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) face-to-face consultation sessions in New South Wales

At the end of last year the NDIA released a consultation draft of the ILC Commissioning Framework. The Framework outlines how the Agency will fund and manage ILC activities in the future.

Before the NDIA finishes the Framework, the NDIA would like to talk more with people with disability, their families and carers as well as people who work in the sector about some key parts of the Framework.

There are two ways people can provide feedback on the Framework:
  • You can attend a face-to-face consultation session in Sydney
  • You can make a written submission
The NDIA will be hosting consultation sessions for people with disability, families and carers. Registration is essential via the online booking on the NDIS website. Please register for the appropriate consultations session on the ILC Commissioning Framework:

Sydney - ANZ Stadium10am – 1pm Wednesday the 6th of April

Sydney - ANZ Stadium10am – 1pm Thursday the 7th of April

Carers and the NDIS
Carers NSW - a free half-day workshop for family members and friends (carers) of people with disability. It aims to provide carers with a general introduction to the NDIS, help carers support the person they care for to access the NDIS, and prepare carers to communicate their own needs in relation to the NDIS. Further information. Register online here.
7 April - 21 June 2016 - locations across NSW

NDIS 10th quarterly report: 2015-16 Q2

Helen Dickinson,  Right Now, 22 February 2016
... For many, the NDIS is an incredibly welcome scheme. For too long, Australian disability services have been underfunded, inflexible and built around the needs of the system rather than those of the individual ... Yet, there is growing consensus that while the NDIS is a welcome addition it will not go sufficiently far in securing human rights for people with disabilities ...

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