Monday 28 March 2016

News and commentary from the broader disability community

Poverty and the Perfect People
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 23 February 2016
... The conversation was interesting for a short while and then it became really strange. As she came to realize that my emphasis was on people with intellectual disabilities, and as she came to understand what that term meant, her interest began to immediately wane. She actually said that at least poverty didn't effect 'those people' in the same way as 'regular people' because they are happy just with the simple things ...

Housing transfer of groups homes to the NGO sector 
Family Advocacy Communiqué,  March 2016
Do you have a family member or friend in an ADHC group home, soon to be transferred to the NGO sector as the NDIS rolls out? Please get in touch.  We are advocating that housing should not be handed over to service providers, as this could result in the person having few options if problems arise.

Traditionally in group homes, the house and supports have been locked together, so if one isn’t working (for example, if the house no longer suits a resident’s needs) the person loses their supports as well. The control exerted in group homes as they are currently structured can impact every area of a person’s life – access to employment, relationships outside the home, relationships with family and more. It also leaves people vulnerable to abuse as they are likely to hesitate to complain. The current transfer plan means this will not change.
Read our Position Statement on Housing for more information around the separation of housing and supports.

A better situation is one where someone can change their supports without necessarily having to move, and vice versa. The accommodation transfer is the perfect time to make sure support is independent from housing. ADHC have said they cannot commit to this, so we need your help. Please call or email Meg on (02) 98690866 Monday - Wednesday or anytime, if you are facing this situation.

Disabled people experience violence, elder abuse and neglect in 'epidemic proportions', says rights group
Sarah Gerathy, ABC News, 18 March 2016
Horrific allegations of violence, abuse and neglect of disabled people have been detailed by a national disability rights advocacy group in a submission to a New South Wales parliamentary inquiry into elder abuse ...

One of the Boys (video 5m 2s)
Community Resource Unit Inc (Qld), 2 February 2016
CRU exists to create and promote positive change so that people with disabilities can belong to and participate in community life. Our constituents are people with disability, their families and friends and the people in paid roles who support them.

CRU engages with people on questions of values and vision; it provides inspiration and analysis and assists people to shape and deliver helpful, relevant and responsive human services and support arrangements ...

Hannah Rudstam and Wendy Strobel Gower, Pulse (Linked In), 4 March 2016
For most people, the phrase “disability in the workplace” conjures an image of laws, guidelines, and policies. In other words, it is largely seen as a bureaucratic issue involving procedures and transactions. However, a new understanding of disability inclusiveness is emerging. After all the forms are filled in and all the boxes are checked, organizational leaders are now recognizing that something is still missing—something intangible that prevents the organization from fully leveraging all their talent ...

Apartment complex in Golden Valley could become model in housing for developmentally disabled
Don Jacobson, Star Tribune, 18 February 2016
A Twin Cities group is building a new kind of apartment for young adults who are developmentally disabled, a housing model they are touting as one that could meet a need for families with aging parental caregivers.

Since the 1970s, children and teens who are developmentally disabled have mostly lived at home with their parents or other relatives.

Now as adults, many are still living at home even as their parents grow older and less capable of providing them the help they still need. This, advocates say, is becoming a national crisis as the United States sees its first generation of people who are developmentally disabled outlive their parents — because of better health care ...
  • Discussion of this article on Facebook was centred on whether the housing complex described is an example of choice for people with disabilities, or segregation?
Elizabeth Picciuto, The Daily Beast, 24 February 2016
In the panic over Zika virus, major media outlets are calling kids with microcephaly ‘misshapen,’ ‘heartbreaking,’ and ‘dystopian.’ The exact opposite of my joyful, funny, vivacious son ... I am all too aware, however, that people believe he’s an affliction who must be borne, rather than a source of joy and laughter and an occasional pain in the ass—just like my two typical kids.

Change of organisation's name
The organisation previously known as Children with Disability Australia has recently updated its name to Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA).

CYDA is the national peak body representing children and young people (aged 0-25) with disability, providing a link between the direct experiences of children and young people with disability and their families to federal government and other key stakeholders.

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