Saturday 26 March 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 26 - 27 March 2016

Making Down Syndrome Fabulously Ordinary (podcast)
Penny Johnston, Babytalk, 774 ABC Melbourne, 21 March 2016
What do you do when you're the mum of a little bloke with Down Syndrome? Pretty much the same as a mum of a little bloke with just two 21st chromosomes. Leticia Keighley is a very proud mum of a delightful four year old Wade.

A Pill for Down Syndrome
Amy Julia Becker, The Atlantic, 15 march 2016
New research indicates that a treatment may one day lessen the symptoms of the disability. In the meantime, a mother reflects on what that would mean for her child ...

What was once a parlor game—would you take away the Down syndrome?—may one day be a reality ... I am not certain that Penny needs medical interventions to improve her cognition, but I know she needs a social context that welcomes her ...

Breaking the Circle of Sadness
Christopher Blunt, Mercatornet, 21 March 2016
How a little girl with Down syndrome changed my heart and opened my mind
... I concluded that these families of children with Down syndrome were most likely telling themselves they were “blessed” and “enriched,” as a coping mechanism. Keep telling yourself you’re happy having a 47-chromosome child, if it makes yourself feel better, I thought. As for me, I’ll stick with the 46-chromosome version.

As it turned out, the choice wasn’t mine to make. I would get to learn first-hand just how shamefully presumptuous and ignorant my attitude had been regarding families which included a member with Down syndrome ...

The day I won the lottery
Micha Boyett, For Her, 21 March 2016
... It’s not that Ace is somehow better than us, more angelic than us, or operating on a different level of human goodness. It’s simply that he doesn’t seem to grasp for power. He’s not desperate for importance. He simply longs to love and be loved, to know and be known ...

Voices from 'Far from the Tree' - Deirdre Featherstone and Catherine Madden on Down Syndrome. Andrew Solomon, 16 March 2016
Video of in terview with a mother and daughter for Andrew Solomon's acclaimed book, Far From the Tree (available for members to borrow from the DS NSW library).

Is this the world's oldest living man with Down's syndrome? 'Cheeky chap' turns 80
Express (UK), 21 March 2016
A "cheeky chap" who defied all medical odds could be the world's oldest living man with Down's syndrome after celebrating his 80th birthday. Joe Sanderson turned the milestone age on Saturday and celebrated with family and staff at Hazelgrove Court Care Home in Saltburn, where he lives ...

Don't ask what's 'wrong' with my son with Down syndrome
Maureen Wallace, She Knows, 12 March 2016
I’ve parented a child with Down syndrome — the most commonly occurring genetic condition — for almost six years. Despite a lot of practice, I still find myself caught off guard by strangers’ questions, and I have done a physical and emotional double take if someone asks what's "wrong" with Charlie ...

I don't care
Carolina Giammetta on Vimeo (14m 28s)
A mother to be faces the high possibility of having a child with Down's Syndrome and befriends a family who share their experiences and guide her towards a different perspective. #‎MyFriendsMyCommunity‬

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