Tuesday 26 April 2016

Research news and commentary #4 for 2016

Lines of Inquiry, Edition 12, March 2016
Welcome to the latest edition of Lines of Inquiry, the newsletter of NDS’s Centre for Applied Disability Research (CADR).

Study shows students with, without disabilities recognize benefits of inclusive schools
School of Education, University of Kansas, 29 March 2016
In the debate about how to improve U.S. schools, there's often a missing voice among the researchers, scholars, policy makers, administrators and parents — and that's the perspective of the students themselves.

A new study co-authored and conducted by University of Kansas researchers found that students attending inclusive schools — that is, schools in which students with and without disabilities learn together — recognize the value of inclusion and being part of an inclusive learning community ...

How a system of ropes and pulleys may change the lives of babies with Down syndrome
Erin Canty, Upworthy, 30 March 2016
... thanks to an innovative research project, Grace will get to interact with and explore her world like never before ...

Ground-breaking New Scientific Publication on anti-Abeta Vaccine in Preclinical Model of Down Syndrome
Michael Harpold, Lumind, April 6, 2016
AC Immune announced the publication of a ground-breaking scientific study on an anti-A-beta vaccine potentially signaling a way to treat cognitive deficits in people with Down syndrome (Ds). The study, entitled An anti-Abeta-Amyloid Vaccine for Treating Cognitive Deficits in a Mouse Model of Down Syndrome, was published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE ...

$1M Awarded for Crnic Institute Research Grants and Three New Sie Center Clinics
Global Down Syndrome Foundation, 18 March 2016
Global Down Syndrome Foundation kicked off the weekend of World Down Syndrome Day by announcing $1M in funding for eleven new studies at Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, and three new clinics at the Anna and John J. Sie Center for Down Syndrome inside Children’s Hospital Colorado.

“One cannot overemphasize the importance of the diversity in this research,” said Dr. Tom Blumenthal, Executive Director at the Crnic Institute. “The potential findings on the horizon from this research, made possible by funding from Global, may play a role in significant discoveries leading to an enhanced quality of life for those with Down syndrome that could possible benefit the typical population as well.”

Study estimates number of births and terminations with Down syndrome in Massachusetts
Massachusetts General Hospital, 14 April 2016
A multi-institutional research team has estimated for the first time the number of children born with Down syndrome each year in Massachusetts over the past century, along with the numbers of pregnancies of a child with Down syndrome lost to either termination or miscarriage ...

  • Click here for information on an opportunity to participate in research into Key Word Sign training, at the University of Sydney

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