Wednesday 27 April 2016

Some links to some big ideas on education ...

Opportunity and High Expectations
Tammy Day, TEDx Vanderbilt University, 22 December 2016
College usually provides young adults with pivotal experiences and opportunities that profoundly impact the building of their personal belief systems and ultimately the direction of their lives. All of these experiences are done alongside and with peers. Students share experiences with friends as they continue to find their own identities ...

Supporting peer connection in the inclusive class - practical tips for teachers (No.2)
Catia Malaquias and Robert Jackson, Starting with Julius, 23 April 2016
Teachers readily recognise the academic goals of inclusive education – and accordingly the need to apply differentiated instruction and universal design to teach a diverse classroom including students with disability. However, the life-long social and independence benefits of inclusive education are equally important but are sometimes overlooked ...

Why the latest research shows heads should give teaching assistants space to do their jobs
Jonathan Sharples, Schoolsweek (UK), 2 March 2016
The Education Endowment Foundation has released its latest research on new tools for teaching assistants and called for them to be used more effectively in schools. Here, senior researcher Jonathan Sharples explains why the research is significant ...

Los Angeles’ bold move to reform special education
John Tulenko, PBS Newshour (US), 23 February 2016Public schools in Los Angeles have experienced rapid change in the last decade, and graduation rates for the city’s 80,000 special needs students have nearly doubled since 2003. But greater transitions lie ahead: the district plans to transfer these students from special education centers to neighborhood schools ...

Catia Malaquias, Starting with Julius, 21 February 2016
February is national inclusive education month in Canada. So it was good timing when earlier this month the Canadian provincial Government of New Brunswick received, from a field of over 100 countries, the prestigious 2016 Zero Project Award for Innovative Policy – for its Policy 322 on inclusive education. The Zero Project is a global initiative working for zero barriers for people with disability, with reference to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ...
Anna Stewart, Esme
... So why does it matter that Miranda is included in many typical high school experiences?

It matters because Miranda has dreams. She wants to live independently. She wants to work in the recycling/environmental field. She wants to swim at the local recreation center. She wants to be fully included in the community as an adult, and she knows what that looks and feels like since she is fully included in school ...

Effectively teaching mathematics to students with Down syndrome
Jo Earp, Teacher, 27 April 2016
Including students with Down syndrome in mainstream mathematics lessons in the primary years is achievable, but specific and ongoing professional learning for teachers is vital ...

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