Monday 16 May 2016

News and commentary from the broader disability community

Next Steps on Inclusion
Simon Duffy, Centre for Welfare Reform (UK), 2016
... The first step to inclusion is to leave behind tired prejudices. We don’t have to believe that clever people are better than other people. We don’t need to value one kind of beauty. We don’t need to keep chasing money and power. We can choose love, acceptance and diversity. These values may not be dominant - but they still exist deep within us - because we each know our own frailty, vulnerability and need for love and meaning ...

Choice and control: social care must not disable people with intellectual disabilities
Val Williams,  British Politics and Policy blog (London School of Economics and Political Science), 8 March 2016
People with intellectual disabilities should not have to prove their abilities in independence skills before having the right to live the life they want, argues Val Williams. Policy should allow for a personalised focus on the identity of an individual, with personal assistants able to step back and facilitate choice. Inclusive research helps build up this attention to detail in a relationship and can highlight how shifts might occur from being mutually supportive to becoming defensive, judgemental or even abusive ...

Don’t Say Rainbows 
Sophie Trains, Respectfully Connected, 20 February 2015 
I am a rather quiet advocate. I don’t often get into debates and generally avoid conflict (in real and online life). I usually have a pacifist or diplomatic approach. However this doesn’t mean that I don’t hold strong opinions and sometimes I do get sucked into an argument when I just can’t ignore ableist or ignorant comments any longer ...

NFP Panel Sets its Sights on Collaboration
Lina Caneve, ProBono News Australia, 14 April 2016
A collaborative panel made up of eight Not for Profit peak bodies and supported by philanthropic funding is spearheading projects aimed at building capacity in the aging, disability and mental health sectors ...

Disability Representation and the Problem with “Inspiration Porn”
Keah Brown, The Toast, 14 April 2016
... Sometimes I feel guilty, cowering under beady eyes. I feel guilty for the desperate way in which I do desire to explain myself to complete strangers, and then I remember that I shouldn’t have to ...
Genevieve Belmaker, Nieman Reports, 30 March 2016
When people with disabilities are portrayed as only heroes or victims, it's harder to address the issues that affect them ...

... he came across a newswire story about a labor case involving a group of men with intellectual disabilities. The facts of the case: 32 men with disabilities, working for the same wage for 35 years, $240 million in damages. “What the heck are we talking about here?” Barry recalls thinking.

... Barry called the lawyer on the case to find out more—and also to ask about speaking with the men. The lawyer’s response was surprising: Not a single reporter had ever asked to speak with the men before ...

How the justice system fails people with disability - and how to fix it
Eileen Baldry, ABC Ockham's Razor, 18 April 2016
More than 30,000 Australians are imprisoned every year. Many have disabilities, many are Indigenous - and the system cannot cope ...

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