Friday 13 May 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 14 - 15 May 2016

Amy and Sarah Interview

What do you see?
Michelle Mahnke, 26 April 2016
... I sometimes wonder what my kid’s days are really like when she is away from me. Not as recorded in an IEP ...  Not filtered through someone else’s report. I want a chance to simply stand by and watch, undetected, as my child goes about her day. I want to see what my child with Down Syndrome sees. One day, I had that chance ...

Dear Special Needs Mama, I Celebrate You
Ellen Stumbo, 7 May 2016
Having a child with a disability can make life different from what other moms of typical children experience. On a day like Mother’s Day, while friends receive cards from their kids, breakfast in bed as a result of the loving attempt from little chefs, and homemade gifts, your heart yearns for the day you hear your child say the words, “I love you,” or a day with no medical complications, or to have someone come along your side and remind you that you are not alone ...

“What’s wrong with that boy?” 6 ways to talk to your kids about disabilities
Katy Epling, Huffington Post (blog) 11 May 2016
... I want to hug every curious child and every well-intentioned parent. I want them to know their questions are OK. Better than that, they are good. We should ask questions and start a dialogue instead of avoiding and allowing confusion and fear to grow ...

Next Steps on Inclusion
Simon Duffy, (UK) Centre for Welfare Reform, 2016
... The first step to inclusion is to leave behind tired prejudices. We don’t have to believe that clever people are better than other people. We don’t need to value one kind of beauty. We don’t need to keep chasing money and power. We can choose love, acceptance and diversity. These values may not be dominant - but they still exist deep within us - because we each know our own frailty, vulnerability and need for love and meaning ...

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