Wednesday 8 June 2016

2016 Federal election - information page

With still another three and a half weeks to go until the Federal election on 2 July 2016, we have posted a page at the list under the blog banner at the top of this page.

It will give links to information in Easy English about how the election works, and links to policy information from political parties and disability organisations.

The links to policies are posted for information only, not to endorse any particular political position, party or candidate.

The page is called FEDERAL ELECTION 2016 - INFORMATION

The page currently has information from two previous posts on the election, and the information below. It will be added to as the campaign progresses:

Here are 2 links to easy read resources on the Australian Electoral Commission’s website. They are great resources to help to prepare to vote in the upcoming federal election on 2 July.
  • Easy English Guides - How to Enrol to Vote; How to Vote at a Polling Place; How to Vote by Mail
Every Australian Counts is proposing that people with disabilities and their families call on individual local candidates to pledge support for the full implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, here.

Carers Australia Election document 2016
3 June 2016
Carers Australia has produced an election document for the 2016 Federal Federal Election, detailing the commitments we are seeking from any future Australian Government ...

Let's use this election to improve the lives of family and friend carers
Carers Australia (media release), 6 June 2016
In releasing its pre-election document, Carer supports: addressing collateral damage, Carers Australia is focusing its “asks” on a set of proposals that will improve the effectiveness and address gaps in current support services for carers.

“Of particular focus are carers with high needs,” Carers Australia CEO, Ara Cresswell said today ...

Jobs Plan For People With Disability Fact Sheet - Australian Labor Party policy document.

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