Tuesday 7 June 2016

Latest additions to 'other events' page

    These links provide information about events run by other organisations that might be of interest to people with Down syndrome, their families, carers and professionals who support them 

    Hosted by the Down Syndrome Association of Turkey, in Istanbul - Congress website

    Exclusion and Embrace: Disability, Justice andSpirituality Conference 

    Uniting Church - multi-faith Australasian Conference reflects a growing interest in issues of faith and meaning in the lived experience of disability. The Conference has the support of a wide number of organisations including the Jewish Christian Muslim Association (JCMA) and the Faith Communities Council of Victoria (FCCV). The Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania is providing the Conference Secretariat. Among the themes explored will be ethics, care, inclusion in faith communities, friendship, discrimination, love, justice, liberation.
    21, 22 and 23 August 2016 - Melbourne

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