Thursday 9 June 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (49)

 NDIS and Me
People with Down syndrome and/or their families and carers can join the closed Facebook Group, NDIS and Me,  for discussion specifically about the NDIS and people with Down syndrome.

NDIS Newsletter, May 216

Every Australian Counts is proposing that people with disabilities and their families call on individual local candidates to pledge support for the full implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, here.

NSW Council on Intellectual Disability - updated commentary on NSW services transfer

How the NDIS is Disrupting the Culture of Largesse in NFPs
Natasha Hudson, Probono Australia News, 7 June 2016
Not for Profits with head offices not based in the National Disability Insurance Scheme trial sites will tell you they’re ready for a 1 July start up, but disability consultant Natasha Hudson is not convinced ...

NDIS prep program's life extended in NSW
9 News (via AAP), 24 May 2016
A National Disability Insurance Scheme program has been extended in NSW with an additional $3 million promised to help people prepare for the scheme. Disability Services Minister John Ajaka says the funding will enable My Choice Matters - a program that helps people with disability and their families prepare for the NDIS - to continue until June 2018.

The program uses workshops and other resources to help people with a disability throughout many areas of their life. NSW Council for Intellectual Disability chair Michael Sullivan said the program was valued by many people ...

Forced cohabitation is not "companionship" or "inclusion"
Ellen Read, Advocacy for Inclusion, 19 April 2016
It seems bizarre to have to spell this out, but it is apparently necessary: forcing a person with disability to live with another person with disability is not “inclusion” or a form of “companionship”.

Advocacy for Inclusion is currently working on two cases where NDIS participants who are going through the planning process are being pressured by the NDIA planner to cohabit with another person with disability. Both participants are currently living alone and are very happy living alone. However, the NDIA planner is insisting that the person with disability should live with another person with disability as this is more “inclusive” ...

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