Friday 10 June 2016


Changing the Game for Players With Down’s Syndrome
Cara Jessop, Huffington Post (blog), 25 May 2016
‘We love good stories. We need good stories’. I am in a kitchen with two young mothers, swiping through pictures of my brother Tommy on my phone. I’m there to demo a new iPad game my studio Enabling Play has developed, and we are chatting while waiting for the kids to finish their Saturday morning activities ...

Beyond Words app
NSW Council on Intellectual Disability e-News, May 2016
Beyond Words publish a series of books for people with intellectual disability using pictures to explore a range of topics.  Beyond Words has now developed an app where all of their books are available!

The Beyond Words Story App has over 400 short picture stories and 1800+ pictures covering a diverse range of subjects including medical treatment, getting arrested, bereavement, making friends and falling in love.

Click here to find out more.

Sally and Possum
ABC Kids and ABC iView
An innovative and beautiful video series for young children who use Australian Sign Language (Auslan) as their primary means of communication; designed to enhance their foundational literacy & numeracy skills.

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