Friday 15 July 2016

On relationships, sexuality

The disabled community still waits for our 1960s sexual revolution 
Allan Hennessy, The Guardian, 26 June 2016
Born with a debilitating spinal disability, 53-year- old Frenchman Marcel Nuss, met his first wife, Gaby, in hospital as he battled for his life at the age of 22. Now divorced, he lives with his partner, Marie, and his two children in the leafy suburbs of Strasbourg. “I often had comments like ‘Oh, he’s a bit ugly’,” Marie reveals in Disability and Sexuality: Exploring the Intimacy Option, a documentary exploring the interplay between disability and sexual liberation ...

Let's take the initiative to start a sexual revolution for people with disabilities 
Servaas Kamerling, The Guardian, 14 July 2016
We need to push the boundaries and create new role models to push the barriers of acceptance and normality around disability and sex ... Let’s not wait for the revolution, let’s create it and see the barometer rise.

Report on the Australian Youth with Disability National Forum: Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Australian Cross-Disability Alliance, February 2016
In November 2015, the Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA) ...  hosted a national forum of young people with disability on the theme of sexual and reproductive rights ... as part of an exciting and innovative global project being established by the United Nations, to improve the human rights of young people with disability worldwide – particularly their sexual and reproductive rights and their right to freedom from violence ...

Why shouldn't individuals with a learning disability be in a relationship?
Rebecca Wallett, Nursing Times, 5 July 2016
Learning disability branch editor, Rebecca, was shocked to find that individuals close to her were unaware that a disability does not change a person’s desire and right to be in a relationship ...

Letter to editor, Australian Women's Weekly, August 2016:
The Dateables story about people having relationships that are important to us all was wonderful. The maturity shown by the couples in what they considered in what it takes to be a good partner and their understanding and consideration of each others abilities, brought tears to my eyes. Many couples today could take a leaf out of their book. Liz Dore has done a wonderful thing providing this service.  K. Bart, Newcastle

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