Friday 15 July 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 16 - 17 July 2016

'I feel guilty for ever shedding a single tear over her diagnosis'
Irish Independent, 12 June 2016
Irish mum Joann O'Callaghan had no idea what to expect when she learnt her little girl had Down Syndrome.

I remember it like it was just yesterday - the moment I was told that my baby girl Ellie had Down Syndrome. It wasn't just because I felt the news was delivered in the wrong way - it was so abrupt and sudden - but today I feel guilty for ever shedding a single tear over her diagnosis ...

Family violence survivor and White Ribbon advocate wants more help for special-needs victims
Nicholas Payne, Moorabbin Glen Eira Leader, 11 July 2016 4:59pm
Family violence survivor Emma Gierschick has called for more help for women who have special needs children and are fleeing abusers. The White Ribbon advocate escaped an abusive relationship several years ago along with her young daughter, who has Down syndrome ... “The child, depending on what their disability is, they’re not necessarily able to understand the instruction of ‘run’ or ‘hide’ or ‘move’ — they can be a sitting duck,” she said ...

Stranger: Four Point Five of Five
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect, 5 July 2016
There are moments of pure clarity. Cradled in her father's arms she was brought over to where she had pointed. She had directed, father willingly followed ... I don't know where she was going, this tiny little girl with Down Syndrome, but I knew, with certainty where she wasn't ...

Introduction to ‘Finding A Way’, the enthralling and uplifting memoir from Graeme Innes
Attitude Foundation, 15 July 2016
... The family tradition of ‘all hands on deck’ was deeply ingrained in me, and I was desperate to help. But that would be a challenge for a blind 12-year-old, where the environment was wet, muddy and constantly shifting. My face fell further and further as one after another of the set-up crew told me there wasn’t anything I could do. As it had done often in the past, and would do again and again during my life, my dad’s warm hand on my shoulder saved the day.

‘There’s more than enough jobs for everyone today,’ he said. ‘The only puzzle is working out which one you can do. And I’ve solved the puzzle. Come and drive the lift.’ ...

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