Wednesday 24 August 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (53)

NDIS and Me
People with Down syndrome and/or their families and carers can join the closed Facebook Group, NDIS and Me, for discussion specifically about the NDIS and people with Down syndrome.

Disability Loop - a way to find out more about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Through Disability Loop you can:
  • Find a great selection of resources relating to the NDIS
  • Find out how the NDIS is working for other people
  • Have your say about the NDIS
  • Keep up to date with news and events about the NDIS
Disability Loop is a project that has been paid for by the NDIS. It is run by, and for, people with disability and their allies.

NDIS - the official website of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.


CID ConnectNSW Council on Intellectual Disability eNews, August 2016
CID Connect is our new online forum where you can ask and answer questions about how the NDIS might affect you. 
CID Connect is supported by members of our community engagement and information services team and allows anyone to log on for free and ask a question of the community as well as being able to browse around and see what other people have been discussing.
Every month we will have a new focus topic to help you be more prepared for the NDIS whether you are already on a funding package, are waiting for rollout or have no idea where to start. 
Currently, our topics include planning, supports and getting to know each other.

We encourage you to jump online and try out this amazing new tool. Be the first to contribute to what will become an valuable source of knowledge. Click here to check it out and participate!
Virtual Special Issue: Supported Decision Making
Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: RAPIDD, 28 July 2016
In this virtual special issue of Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, we bring together papers about decision making support for people with intellectual disabilities that have been published in the first three issues of the journal.

Ensuring effective support for decision making is a key challenge confronting mainstream and disability services systems. It is central to the rights based foundations of the National Disability Insurance Scheme being rolled out across Australia. Though there has been much debate about legal frameworks, there is little empirical research about supported decision making models or practice ...

Change Agents: Rhonda Galbally and Bruce Bonyhady on the birth of the NDIS
Andrew Dodd, The Conversation, 10 August 2016 (audio only)
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the biggest social reform in Australia this century. By 2022 it will help half a million people access comprehensive disability support at a cost of around A$25 billion. On this program, two of the NDIS’ founders explain how they developed something so radical and comprehensive and then won support for the idea. Bruce Bonyhady is the chairman and Rhonda Galbally is a board member of the National Disability Insurance Agency, the body that implements the NDIS.

Launch of One Stop Shop for Disability Knowledge
Wendy Williams, ProBono News, 9 August 2016
A “one stop shop” for disability knowledge has been launched to help people navigate the new disability market under the NDIS.

Lauren Hislop, InCharge, 15 August 2016
... In a previous post I wrote how I moved from my NDIS plan being managed by the NDIA (Agency managed or the Agency) to choosing a Plan Manager to help me manage my funds. My life has improved considerably.

I would like to explore Self Management for the future. I know people who are self managing. Flexibility, choice and control seem to be some of the positives of self-managing your NDIS budget. But I must admit to feeling very hesitant about it. My first thought was “I don’t think I have what it takes to self manage” ...

What’s going on with the float for people who self-manage their NDIS funds?

Libby Ellis, InCharge, 22 August 2016
This is the first post in a six-part series of confusion-clearing and myth-busting pieces about the NDIS! We hope it is helpful. As always, your feedback is welcome – particularly feedback where information you’ve received differs from what we’ve written here.

This piece is a confusion-clearing piece regarding the float for people who self-manage their NDIS funds ...

NATIONAL: Government response to NDIS payment problems criticised by Labor Matthew Doran, ABC News, 18 August 2016
The Federal Opposition has seized on reports some disability service providers have gone without payments under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), suggesting the Government is dragging its feet and being secretive about a review into the problem ...

Roland Naufal, Disability Services Consulting, 16 August 2016
... So is the NDIS broken? Hell no! The NDIS is a fabulous scheme and the Productivity Commission was spot on recommending it ... This article is about highlighting the factors that led to this mess in this first 6 weeks of implementation; factors that are not built into the scheme’s design. The ducks lined up early to get the scheme off and running then we had a bunch of nasty ducks and now we need to move on ... We can all positively address the fear, confusion and anxiety and really start to deliver on the hope, opportunity, choice and control the NDIS will bring ...

See the previous post for links to information events about the NDIS hosted by Family Advocacy in regional NSW.

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