Thursday 25 August 2016

Survey on communication barriers

From the Conexu Foundation:
What are your communication barriers? 
At work, at school, out and about? Do they stop you from getting involved? Do they stop you from reaching your potential? How can technology help? 
Take a few minutes to complete our national survey. Together we can break down communication barriers.
About the Conexu Foundation:

Conexu Foundation is the go-to national not for profit organisation in technology-based communication access for Deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired Australians ...

... We ensure people with diverse communication needs are supported and inspired to embrace new technology and provide training to show individuals and their families how to get the most from technologies for their situation.

Our research programs focus on areas that make the biggest difference in peoples lives. Once we identify these needs, we have relationships with organisations both in Australia and globally, that allow us to understand what technology is available as it develops anywhere in the world. Where solutions exist, we trial these in Australia.

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