Friday 26 August 2016

Recent news on Alzheimer's and Down syndrome

Adult Down Syndrome Centre posted about Alzheimer's disease and the possibility of a vaccine on 4 August 2016, via their Facebook page:
Could a vaccine prevent and/or treat Alzheimer disease?  There is interest in this topic.  Could it be given to people with Down syndrome? 
There is a study in San Diego looking at safety of the vaccine in people with Down syndrome. 
We have started discussion about how the ADSC could be involved in the next phase of study that would focus on efficacy of the vaccine.
Aging Poses New Challenges For Those With Special Needs
Vikki Ortiz Healy, Chicago Tribune/TNS,  1 August  2016
... when the 56-year-old woman with Down syndrome began forgetting her work schedule, becoming disoriented around campus and feeling too confused to do her job in the mailroom, administrators at the Catholic facility moved her to a new program designed to meet a need that advocates say will only be more pressing in the years ahead: caring for people with disabilities as they age ...

Global Down Syndrome Foundation, 2 August 2016
... “The importance of the 'Part the Cloud Challenge' from the Alzheimer’s Association cannot be overstated,” said Dr. Potter, who is director of the Rocky Mountain Alzheimer’s Disease Center and professor and director of Alzheimer’s disease research, Department of Neurology, Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, University of Colorado School of Medicine. “The million dollars, with a potential for another $3 million after two years, will certainly propel novel research forward towards a therapy for Alzheimer’s. For my research, the hope is that Leukine, an FDA-approved drug, may slow or even prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. That would be a home run for everyone.” ...

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