Friday 26 August 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 27 - 28 August 2016

A Glorious Adventure
Paul Critchlow, Orange Juice Flavour Sky, 12 August 2016
Emily was born 24 years ago today, on the twelfth of August 1992. The Glorious Twelfth as it’s known.

What have I learned over the past 24 years?

What advice would I give to a parent whose baby is born today?

What are the things I know now that I wish I knew then?

Smiths Falls mother reaches settlement with Ontario over son's home care
CBC News, 19 August 2016
A Smiths Falls, Ont. mother is celebrating after reaching a human rights settlement with the Ontario government to keep her adult son, who has Down syndrome, living independently after they were told he'd have to move to a long-term care facility ...

Lord Rix was told to put his daughter into a home. Instead, he fought for people like me
Ciara Lawrence, The Guardian, 23 August 2016
When his daughter Shelley was born with Down’s syndrome, Lord Rix was told by a doctor to “put her away in a home, forget about her and start again”. All I could think when I heard this was: what if the doctor had said that about me, or about my friends who have a learning disability?

"It's completely inappropriate": Australian Immigration deporting people with disabilitiesLaura Murphy-Oates, The Feed SBS, 25 August 2016
Last year a Bangladeshi couple, both doctors, had their application for permanent residency denied, after nearly a decade living and working in Melbourne. The reason may surprise you: their son has mild autism ...

The hidden history of eugenics - 4 part radio series
Natasha Mitchell, Earshot (ABC Radio National), 20 July - 11 August 2016
The ugly spectre of eugenics left a dark stain on the 20th Century, with the genocidal quest of the Nazis to breed a 'master race'. But the eugenic agenda reached much further and deeper still—into everyday laws and lives across the Western world—with profound consequences ...

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