Thursday 11 August 2016


21 Welcomes
New from Canadian Down Syndrome Society
21 stories for new families, from CDDS members, with an introduction by Paul Sawka, CDDS Awareness Leader. Free to download.

Patient Handouts
Down Syndrome Program, Massachusetts General Hospital
Download information on a variety of health topics, including a new series on introducing new food textures, under the 'Feeding Resources' heading. Free to download.

Living Locally: Understanding Community Supervision
Dave Hingsburger, Service, Support and Success, Vol 5, #8, August 2016

When is washing the dishes, not just washing the dishes? When is taking out the garbage, not just taking out the garbage? When is a friendly greeting, not just a friendly greeting?

These routine tasks, important as they are, can become overlooked in terms of their role in your support of someone with an intellectual disability. We work in the community living movement; this is a civil liberties movement which has a set of ideas. One of those ideals is that people with disabilities have a right to a valued place in the communities in which they live ...

Free to download.

New children's book - Prince Noah and the School Pirates
Silke Schnee, Illustrated by Heike Sistig
It’s time for young Prince Noah to go to school. The prince, who starred in the book The Prince Who Was Just Himself, may be a little slower than other students, but he has no less joy in learning. In his kingdom, children go to school on sailing ships. There is a ship for girls and one for boys. There is a ship for children with an eye patch, a ship for children with one leg, and a ship for children who are slower learners. No one knows why there are so many different ships, but it has always been that way. 
Then a terrible storm drives the ships into the hands of pirates. The boys and girls realize that they will only escape if everyone does what he or she does best. Through their adventures, they learn that diversity makes us strong and that every person has something to teach us.
This delightfully illustrated fairy tale instills appreciation for children with Down syndrome and other developmental challenges, making it a valuable aid for teaching tolerance in the home or classroom. (Publisher's note)

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