Thursday 11 August 2016

Sagamihara: Who? Why?

Reverberations from the deadly attack on people with disabilities at Sagamihara in Japan more than three weeks ago are still raising new questions and perspectives on this horrific event (links to earlier discussions are posted here and here), as the international disability community takes it in:

Remembering the Sagamihara 19
David Perry, Pacific Standard, 9 August 2016
It was the deadliest massacre of disabled people since World War II. How do we honor the victims if we don’t even know their names?

Disability Hate Crime & The Sagamihara Victims
Michael Peckitt, Accessible Japan, 9 August, 2016
... One reason for the lack of discussion of the Sagamihara killings as a disability hate crime, is that whilst on April 1st 2016, the Law to Eliminate Discrimination against People with Disabilities became law here in Japan, and does effectively ban discrimination against people with disabilities, one cannot since April 1st, for example, erect signs that say ‘no disabled’ (and yes I have seen such signs as a resident in Japan), Japan has no national hate crime legislation that deals specifically with disability hate crime ...

Is Peter Singer dog-whistling perpetrators of disability hate-crime?
Naomi Chainey, SBS, 9 August 2016
Where is the line between euthanasia and eugenics?

... do Singer’s philosophies really serve to rally disability hate crime perpetrators? Was the association unfair? Some denizens of twitter seemed to think it hyperbole, as did Singer, insisting he was not at all sympathetic with Satoshi Uematsu - the 26 year-old mass murderer. “It is the parents and doctors making a decision in consultation,” Singer said, in regard to his idea that infanticide is justifiable in certain circumstances. “It is not some crazy guy going into a unit and killing people" ...

Added 12/08/2016:
Disability: no room for pity
Living While Disabled, 4 August 2016
How the Japan massacre relates to infanticide, abortion, and assisted suicide (and why the world’s been silent about it) ...

... There was no great outpouring of emotion for the 19 people dead and the 26 people wounded. When the attack on Pulse in Orlando happened, targeted at LGBT people, the response came from people outside the community as well as inside it, but after Sagamihara, the vast majority of the response has been from disabled people. This is probably a combination of racism (the victims being BME) and disablism* – the victims were disabled people living in a residential community ...

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