Monday 26 September 2016

Arts news

Ballet opening Salamanca Dance Festival shines light on performers with disabilities
Felicity Ogilvie, AM (ABC Radio), 21 September 2016
They opened this year's Salamanca Dance Festival in Hobart, presenting a modern version of the classic Russian ballet The Rite of Spring ...

  • This report includes fabulous photos, and a link to the audio file including interviews with several people with Down syndrome from the show
Michelle Ryan spends her days helping young performers reach their potential at Restless Dance Theatre, Adelaide’s youth company for dancers with a disability ...

Art group changing lives of Indigenous people with disabilities in Newcastle
Robert Virtue, 1233 ABC Newcastle, 21 September 2016
A community-run program in Newcastle, New South Wales, is having huge success in teaching Aboriginal people with a disability about their culture through art ...

Focus on Ability Film Festival 2016 Award winners
A positive portrayal of a talented best friend who is vision impaired has won the prestigious 2016 Nova Focus on Ability Film Festival.

The film, by Ramon Samson, was chosen from 194 entries from 18 countries - the biggest year in the history of the awards. The International Judges Choice Award went to Okuyo Joel Atiku Prynce, from Uganda, for his documentary Mr Ability.

Now in its eight year, the Focus on Ability Short Film Festival is presented by NOVA Employment. It asks filmmakers to focus on the ability of people with a disability and tell a story on film for the world to see ...

  • See this post for information about new workshops with RUCKUS ensemble, starting in October

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