Saturday 24 September 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 24 - 25 September 2016

Baby Dylan 
Attitude Live, 28 March 2010 (24m 42s)
We present an intimate story of one couple welcoming a newborn with Down syndrome into their family.

Stockton: A Time for Change
CDAH (Community Disability Alliance Hunter), 13 September 2016
Leigh Creighton is a peer mentor and advocate from Newcastle, NSW. In this video, Leigh interviews Steven, Sandra and Robert who live at the Stockton Centre, about their plans for the future. Leigh also interviews Robert Strike, a leading advocate in this country who heads up Self-Advocacy Sydney. Leigh hopes this video will motivate us all to make our communities more inclusive.

Our parliament is one of the most diverse yet, but it's time for a politician with a disability
Graeme Innes, The Guardian, 22 September 2016
... Why do we need representation? Australians with disabilities, 4.5 million of us, are employed at a rate 30% lower than the general population, and 45% of us live in or near poverty. Our educational outcomes, measured by high school completion, are half those of the general population ...
5 Boys and 1 Girl Make 6, 22 September 2016
... Give them the information they want and need at that moment. The rest is not important because it is unknown. No one can tell you right now who Grace will grow up to be. No one has any idea what her dreams and aspirations will be in high school. No one knows if as an adult she will live happily with her husband or at home with her Dad and I ... Please don’t think that because our child was born with a disability that we have given up on her future, because that is the furthest from the truth. We are working diligently every day to over come the set backs that she was born with ...

The Danger of Assumptions and the Importance of Awareness
Adam's Notepad, 16 September 2016
... What surprised me was the number of websites dedicated to not only educating people on what it is, but also on raising awareness of it ... What I did not realize is that being aware that Down Syndrome is a thing is quite different from understanding it. And even if someone understands the genetic ins and outs of Trisomy 21, they may not understand what it means to have Down Syndrome, or how important individuals with it are to the world ...

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