Wednesday 14 September 2016

Australia Council for the Arts - Disability Action Plan

Thanks to RUCKUS  for the link - and we agree, if you are interested in the arts, let The Australia Council know what you think of the Disability Action Plan!

Disability Action Plan Survey

The Australia Council for the Arts is evaluating our 2014-2016 Disability Action Plan and our Arts and Disability Funding program. We would welcome your feedback on the impacts and challenges to date, and your thoughts on future priorities.

The survey is open to individuals and organisations. We encourage artists with and without disability, arts organisations of all sizes (including but not limited to disability-led organisations), disability service and advocacy organisations, and other interested individuals (such as carers and audience members) to let us know what you think.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Your responses are confidential and anonymous. The survey is open until 25th September 2016.

Once you start the survey, you can pause and come back using the 'Save and Continue later' button at the top of each page.

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