Wednesday 14 September 2016

Research news and commentary #10 for 2016

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation has funded a landmark study led by renowned scientist, Dr. JoaquĆ­n Espinosa, Associate Director for Science at the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome. The results of the study were published online by eLife, an open-access life sciences and biomedical research journal ...
The full text of the research paper is available by free access on eLife:
Down's syndrome as a risk factor for severe lower respiratory tract infection due to RSV
Galleguillos C et al, Acta Paediatrica, 18 August 2016 (Epub ahead of print)
Aim: To compare the clinical characteristics of children with and without Down's syndrome hospitalized due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
... Conclusion: Children with Down's syndrome hospitalized due to RSV LRTI, have a longer hospital stay and worse clinical course than children without. Our findings support the need of RSV prevention in children with Down's syndrome, especially in children younger than one year. 
  • The abstract is free online, access to the full text of the article requires purchase. To date, 'this article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through (the final editing process), which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record.' 
Communication intervention for individuals with Down syndrome: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Nicole Neil and Emily A. Jones, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, Published online: 18 August 2016
Objective: A systematic review was conducted to identify effective intervention strategies for communication in individuals with Down syndrome ...
... Conclusion: The results suggest that behavior analytic strategies are a promising approach, and future research should focus on replicating the effects of these interventions with greater methodological rigor.
  • The abstract is free online, access to the full text of the article requires purchase.

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) and Down syndrome (DS): Increased prevalence and a younger age of hidradenitis symptom onset
George Denny and Milan J. Anadkat, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, September 2016 (published online 22 August 2016)
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) occurs in approximately 1% of the general population.1 It is characterized by recurrent inflammatory nodules, sinus tracts, and scarring, most commonly in the axilla and groin. The origin is unknown, but is most likely related to inflammation and immune dysfunction, combined with extrinsic factors.2 The relationship between HS and Down syndrome (DS) was noted in 1977 by Dvorak et al.3Since then, scattered case reports have been published but the mechanism underlying this association remains unidentified. Details regarding the relationship between HS and DS, such as effect on disease incidence and age of onset, are also lacking in the literature ...
  • The full text of the article is available free online
Community Care Review, 18 August 2016
The Centre for Applied Disability Research has launched a new Disability Knowledge Clearing House that aims to connect service providers and consumers with the latest research evidence ...

And in case you missed it we posted yesterday about, updated statistics on birth incidence and population prevalence of Down syndrome have been published for the USA up to 2010, that 'will provide a baseline to assess the impact of NIPS as more data becomes available in the coming years. We anticipate that it will not be until 2017 that we will have an opportunity to assess the impact of NIPS on its first full year of use in 2012.'

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