Friday 18 November 2016

NSW Council on Intellectual Disability is 60!

The NSW peak body representing the interests of  people with all types of intellectual disability, the NSW Council on Intellectual Disability, is celebrating its 60th anniversary this week - a major milestone.

'... we should acknowledge those people who 60 years ago saw the need
for the council' - Jeanette Moss, quoted in the anniversary announcement
on the NSW CID website.
We would like to join the congratulations and acknowledgement of this very substantial body of work, during a long period when attitudes and supports have evolved markedly.

Today, NSW CID is leader in inclusion and advocacy, including self-advocacy, working prominently in fields such as health, particularly advocating for mental health services for people with intellectual disability, and in both monitoring and promoting the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the interest of people with intellectual disability, and all aspects of inclusion.

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