Friday 18 November 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 19 - 20 November 2016

How Viral Videos Shape Perceptions of People With Down Syndrome
Theresa Versaci, The Mighty, 10 November 2016
... The average person’s understanding of Down syndrome spans the depth of a single unit of course content, but more concerning to me is another means through which people are exposed to Down syndrome: the viral video ... The “Cuteness Factor” serves as click bait, drawing the person into these stories and videos ...
Arthur Lauretano, 30 October 2016
The medical record perplexed me. “Unfortunate 33-year-old-man with Down Syndrome here for routine visit for ear wax removal.” ... He brought in an envelope full of records from his prior ear, nose, and throat doctor. Each visit was documented with an entry that began with, “Unfortunate 33-year-old man with Down Syndrome.” ... All of this patient’s records described him as unfortunate ... But the patient sitting in front of me ... was in excellent shape ...

We are all equal
Paul Critchlow,  Orange Juice Flavour Sky, 30 October 2016
There has been much written and said about Down’s syndrome over the last month or so leading up to, and since, Sally Phillips’ documentary A World without Down’s Syndrome. Some of what I’ve read has been balanced and fair, recognising that the discussion Sally has started is not an easy one for some to join in but some of what has been printed has been defensive knee-jerk reactionary nonsense from some people who should know better ...

France's censorship of award winning World Down Syndrome Day video to be chhllenged in the European Court of Human Rights
Catia Malaquias, Starting With Julius, 12 November 2016
France’s Conseil D’Etat has upheld the decision of France’s television regulator to censor the video “Dear Future Mom” and stop it from being shown on French television ... A French Down syndrome organisation, Fondation Jerome Lejeune, which brought the action against France’s television regulator and was a partner in the video campaign has said in a media release that the decision to ban the video from French television was taken after two complaints were received from women who had terminated their pregnancies after being told their babies had Down syndrome. It is reported that the women found the video confronting as the people with Down syndrome in the video were ‘too happy’ ...

Bundaberg disability group kicking down barriers through martial arts
Ross Kay and Brad Marsellos, ABC Wide Bay, 31 October 2016
If you are young, old, even in a wheelchair, a group in Bundaberg in Queensland is working hard to show that martial arts are for everyone by kicking down barriers around disability ...

People with disability underrepresented in politics: advocate
Emily baker, The Age, 11 November 2016
Some political parties are attempting to improve diversity by targeting the representation of women and culturally diverse, Indigenous and LGBTI people.

But Disability Leadership Institute founder Christina Ryan says one group – Australia's largest minority – is consistently missing from the conversation ...

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