Monday 21 November 2016

Voice: November 2016

Down Syndrome Australia publishes the print-only national journal Voice three times a year.

Subscription to the national journal is a membership privilege only, and is included in the membership fees of Down Syndrome New South Wales, Down Syndrome Victoria, Down Syndrome Western Australia, Down Syndrome South Australia, Down Syndrome Tasmania and Down Syndrome Association Northern Territory.

In the November 2016 issue released last week:
  • Is this the right service for me?
  • Baby steps to independent living
  • Preparing for supported living
  • In dependent living - from Jesse's dream to our reality
  • Independent living - living in rural Tasmania
  • Protective behaviours
  • NDIS and you
  • IASSIDD workshop review
  • Endocrine conditions in Down syndromeOur Voice
  • My Voice
  • Book Review
  • Our adoption story
Enquire about membership/subscription with your local Sate Down syndrome organisation (links above).

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