Monday 12 December 2016

The Art of Holding Space: Service Support and Success Vol 5, #12

Congratulations to Dave Hingsburger and Angie Nethercott, the editors and publishers of the online journal for direct support workers, Service, Support and Success, on completing their fifth year of publication! The journal is distributed internationally without charge. 

The final issue for 2016 focusses on the concept of 'holding space':

The Art of Holding Space

Kevin Alexander, Service Support and Success, Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2016
... As a direct support professional, I am always challenged with wanting to step in and do something for someone I support. I see them struggling with a task, and I immediately want to make it easier for them. I want to feel needed and do a good job.

However, I have learned over my career that doing tasks for others is not always the best option. Sometimes doing less is helping out more.

If we do everything for someone, then that individual never learns how to do anything for themselves. The absence of failure and struggle are great losses in a person’s life ...

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