Friday 9 December 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 10 - 11 December 2016

If you are in Dubbo this Christmas, look up! The Western NSW
city is decorated with flags, and Emily Gardner is proud and
thrilled to be one of the festive faces on Main Street. She is
pictured with Michael Kneipp, the Western Plains Regional
Council Administration, and her mum, Cassie Gardner.

‘Liz Never Needed Fixing. Her Difference Simply Needed a Home’

Al Etmanski, The Tyee, 3 December 2016
“My name is Liz and I have Down syndrome." She strode onto the stage without notes, without preparation, and seemingly without a care. A hundred pairs of eyes were anticipating her spoken word poetry performance. A recipe for disaster. A disaster that I had tried to prevent from the moment she was born. It was the scene of my undoing ...

Disability day: When he struggled with words, Kayah Guenther danced
Thea Halpin, ABC News, 2 December 2016
Kayah Guenther has difficulty communicating verbally, but he has no trouble getting across a powerful message. For several years he has been using dance as a form of expression and communication — one that transcends language and overcomes barriers placed by disability ...
Lito Ramirez, TEDxColumbus, 5 December 2016
... explores the changing nature of expectations we have for our children, especially when they are born profoundly different than you expect ...

The Other Option
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect, 1 December 2016
... it's easy isn't it, to just subtly, and without meaning to, and certainly without malice, simply take control of another's life. And it's easy for people with disabilities to get used to riding the passenger seat as they journey from year to year ...

Sunday Brunch with Jess Tattersall
Simon Marnie ABC 702, 4 December 2016 (Segment starts at 1h 54m)
A delightful interview with Jess Tattersal has Asperger's syndrome and intellectual disability by one of her ABC colleagues, Simon Marnie, to mark International Day for People with Disability.

Can we learn to live with disability? 40 min audio 
Waleed Aly and Scott Stephens, The Minefield, ABC RN, 1 December 2016
'While we are obliged to extend a certain dignity to those who live with a disability, we would prefer that they did not exist to begin with.'
  • You can view the short video Dear Future Mom discussed in this program in this postand a summary of the Minefield  discussion is here.

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