Monday 9 January 2017


Catia Malaquias, Starting with Julius, 30 December 2016
Corporations have generally taken narrow and compliance-driven approaches to disability. Disability, when expressly recognised by a corporation’s policies, is often noted but not addressed for implementation or data collection. Diversity policies for example often do not even mention disability as a form of diversity, and very rarely provide for targets, monitoring or data collection in the same way as they do for say gender diversity ...
Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, World Bank, 6 December 2016
... While urbanization brings people closer to new economic and sociocultural opportunities, persons with disabilities still face a range of constraints in many cities, such as inaccessible buildings and public spaces, limited transportation options, inaccessible housing, and barriers in using technology-enabled virtual environments. These urban constraints have a significant impact on those living with disabilities in terms of mobility, ability to engage in education and skills development, employability and income generation, and larger social and political participation ...

It’s Time to Include Disabilities in Diversity
Janice Linz, Huffington Post (blog), 15 December 2016
Article after article discusses our need to ensure diversity, but they rarely mention disabilities. It’s as if people with disabilities are an afterthought (or more accurately, a forgotten thought). If the omission is mentioned, people often get defensive, as if they are being accused of insensitivity. But if another protected class like gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation were omitted, people would be up in arms about that ...

It takes a village to raise a child who helps others
Luisa D'Amato, Waterloo Region Record, 17 December 2016
Dylan Duncan was physically abused as a child. He was taken from his family, and grew up in a foster home. At 19, he lives with developmental disabilities.

What picture are you seeing, now that you have these facts? Someone who will need help all his life? Or someone who freely gives it?

Why Australia needs its first ambassador for disability inclusive development
Erin Ryan, Sight, 15 December 2016
People with disability were invisible in the world portrayed by the Millennium Development Goals. But this doesn’t reflect the world we live in; globally, one in seven people has a disability. In developing countries, this figure is even higher, at one in five. This erasure prevented people with disability from benefitting equally from efforts to reach the MDG targets ...

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