Monday 9 January 2017

National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 to build inclusive and accessible communities: submissions invited

The Senate Community Affairs References Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into
The delivery of outcomes under the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 to build inclusive and accessible communities

(one of six priorities identified in the strategy)

The terms of reference are:
  • the planning, design, management, and regulation of:
  • the built and natural environment, including commercial premises, housing, public spaces and amenities,
  • transport services and infrastructure, and
  • communication and information systems, including Australian electronic media and the emerging Internet of things;
  • potential barriers to progress or innovation and how these might be addressed;
  • the impact of restricted access for people with disability on inclusion and participation in economic, cultural, social, civil and political life; and
  • any other related matters.

Submissions should be received by 17 March 2017. The reporting date is 13 September 2017.

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