Saturday 11 March 2017

#World Down Syndrome Day 2017 – Day 11

This year Down Syndrome Australia is celebrating #MyVoiceMyCommunity with the international Down syndrome community. Join us as we count down to  21 March with 21 stories of inclusion and personal success.

Michael is Chair of NSW Council for Intellectual Disability, on the NDIA Intellectual Disability Reference Group, a member of an Australia wide advocacy group OUR VOICE, and has recently been appointed the University of New South Wales Ambassador for Healthy Aging. 
He is a staunch self-advocate, wonderfully articulate, an excellent role model and an ambassador for giving people with Down syndrome a voice.My work as a self-advocate

I am person with Down syndrome and a self-advocate. When I advocate for myself I am also advocating for others. When I am up there delivering my talk, I take a minute for a quick reflection – I think “I am not just here for myself” and then I go in to my talk ... read the whole story here.

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