Sunday 12 March 2017

#World Down Syndrome Day 2017 – Day 12

This year Down Syndrome Australia is celebrating #MyVoiceMyCommunity with the international Down syndrome community. Join us as we count down to  21 March with 21 stories of inclusion and personal success.

Josie is a 19 year old artist from Sydney. She left school at the end of 2013 to begin a Certificate in Basic Vocational Skills through TAFE NSW and take part in other courses through a local community college. 
Looking to fill up some extra hours, Josie also enrolled in a mainstream painting and drawing class at a local regional art gallery. She was hesitant about taking on this class as she hadn’t been very interested in painting or drawing in the past. When her tutor gave her a photo of a landscape to draw, she created a very good reproduction. Josie’s untapped talent was uncovered much to everyone’s surprise and delight ... read the whole story here.

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