- The Shape of the Eye ebook
George Estreich’s book The Shape of the Eye has just been published in paperback and e-book formats. Originally published in 2011, this memoir is a work of creative non-fiction written by poet and stay-at-home father George, exploring the arrival of Laura into the family.
You can read the Introduction here.
Now that the book is available in new formats, consider asking your local library to purchase a copy - it is good to encourage public libraries to increase their resources about Down syndrome available to the general community. DS NSW does not currently hold e-books, but we do have a copy of the 2011 hard cover edition of The Shape of the Eye available in our library, for members to borrow.
- Down Synrome News Vol 36, Spring 2013, published by the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress, is now available online. This issue's main features are:
Managing Behavior in Children with Down Syndrome - How Understanding Leads to Intervention: Sensory Considerations (Part 1)Mary Pipan, MD, Clinical Director, Trisomy 21 Program, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Adorable, well mostly. Loved, absolutely. Frustrating, of course. Social, usually, but not always appropriately. Communicative, but not always easy to understand. Can be compliant, but “no” is a favorite word. Not quite“my way or the highway.” Flops and drops ... This article is available in both English and Spanish.
My First Voting Experience, Jenna Quigley
This year was my first time voting - and it was in the presidential election.
Reviews of When Down syndrome and autism intersect; Lucky dogs, lost hats and dating don'ts; Try reading again: how to motivate and teach older beginners, age 10 and up; The boys' guide to growing up: choices and changes during puberty
... and further information about the NDSC 2013 Convention in Denver, Colorado.
An archive of past issues of Down Syndrome News isavailable here.
- People with Disability Australia E-Bulletin, Edition #84 May 2013
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