Address details

Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Friday, 15 July 2011

Webinars coming up

A number of webinars (seminars conducted via the internet) on a wide range of topics about people with Down syndrome are coming up, from international organisations. Some offer live sessions during the day for Australian time zones, others are post permanent links to video of the presentations. Most make documents about the content available online. Some are free, and there is a small charge for others.

Boston Children's Hospital Speakers Program
The excellent Down Syndrome Program of Speakers for Parents is now in its second year at Boston Children's Hospital. Each event is webcast live, with the talk then being made freely available online to access at any time, bringing a world class expert to your computer. A few days afterwards, notes and handouts are posted, along with the online video.

All links and schedules are available here.

Already available online from the 2011 series:
Postsecondary Education, Employment and National Service
Breastfeeding and Down Syndrome
Dental Issues in DS and Orthodontics in DS
Autism and Down Syndrome
Complex Care Needs and Down Syndrome

Coming up:
September 6, Cynthia Haddad, and John Nadworny on Financial Planning for Families
October 24, Margaret Kenna and Lisa Walker on Hearing/Audiologic Concerns and Down Syndrome
November 1, JoAnn Simons, on Transitions for Young Adults with Down Syndrome
December 12, Priscilla Osborne and Jessica Konter on Gross Motor Skills and Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome Education International has reached the final stages in its current reading research with children with Down syndrome, and is offering an online event. Read about the preliminary findings and publication plans here.

Find out more at the free online event:
20 July 2011 6.30pm Sydney time
Register here.

The producers of the very popular communication app Proloquo2go are planning two series of free webinars during the northern hemishpere summer - one for professionals, and one for families.
Descriptions of the content, the schedules and online registrations are available here.

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