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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Housing and the NDIS

Accommodating NDIS: maximising housing choice in a reformed disability sector
August 2015 - now available online

What is this report about?
This report is about housing for people with disability under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It is about how to help people with disability live how and where they want to.

Whose report is it?
This report was done for a group that finds out what to do about housing. It is called the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI). They asked for the report to be done.

This report was done by:
Researchers at two universities – UNSW and RMIT.
Researchers at two disability advocacy organisations – People With Disability Australia (PWDA) and People with Disabilities Western Australia (PWDWA).

They found out what people thought about housing for people with disability and wrote the report.

How was this report done?
This report was done by talking with people with disability, families and staff in housing and disability services and in government to find out what they think about housing. It also used some information already collected about everyone in the country.

Screen capture from the Easy Read edition
You can download this report as a PDF or DOCX file, with Easy Read versions also available, from this link.

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