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Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Library Shelf : new books

Getting from Me to We: How to help young children fit in and make friends 
Shona Tuck, Woodbine House
This book outlines foundational skills necessary for children to form connections and friendships with others. It explains how parents can teach their children social observing skills at an early stage in their development and identify: Where their child is on the social skills ladder. How to set goals to fill in those gaps. How and when to support their child during play. How to identify play behaviours that hinder or help. How to model good social skills and cues. Written by a speech-language pathologist and researcher with expertise in socially at risk kids, the book includes profiles of children who illustrate a wide variety of characteristics and behaviours that lead to social isolation, along with effective, well-designed activities that encourage joint attention, eye contact, and social interaction. Beyond its appeal to parents, this book will also garner interest from counsellors and teachers as well.

Intellectual Disability and Dementia: Research into practice 
Karen Watchman (Ed), Jessica Kingsley publishers
Presenting the most up-to-date information available about dementia and intellectual disabilities, this book brings together the latest international research and evidence-based practice, and describes clearly the relevance and implications for support and services. 
Internationally renowned experts from the UK, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands discuss good practice and the way forward in relation to assessment, diagnosis, interventions, staff knowledge and training, care pathways, service design, measuring outcomes and the experiences of individuals, families and carers. The wealth of information offered will inform support and services throughout the whole course of dementia, from diagnosis to end of life. Particular emphasis is placed on how intellectual disability and dementia services can work collaboratively to offer more effective, joined up support.
Down Syndrome NSW members can contact Jo in the library via email to arrange a loan.

The Down Syndrome NSW library catalogue is available to view here.

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