Address details

Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Recent online publications

Down Syndrome News 
The Fall 2015 issue of the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress newsletter reports on the annual Convention held in Phoenix in July. Links to back issues are provided.

Accessible Arts NSW Newsletter
The October 2015 issue - news and information about all aspects of the arts and disability across NSW, including links to the recently opened funding application round for Delineate 2016 - 2017 grants.

NSW Council for intellectual Disability Enews
Sign up for this very useful local newsletter here. It is always full of news and events, resources and other links. The October 2015 issue has, amongst other good information, links to CID's Annual report, and changes in the way CID plans to work in future.

My Choice Matters e-news
October issue, #25, includes a story about mentoring and lots of information about events on preparing for the NDIS. Quick links to easy-read versions.

People With Disability Australia E-BulletinThe October PWDA E-Bulletin includes updates on the NDIS, the upcoming annual general meeting and the recent child sexual assault, disability and justice system forum.

Support, Service, Success 
A Canadian newsletter for direct support workers, edited by Dave Hingsburger and Angie Nethercott, published monthly by Vita Community Living. Links to back issues are provided.

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