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Thursday, 3 December 2015

International Day of People with Disability 2015: 3rd December

International Day of People with Disability: 'We don't need people to become more aware of us. We are here, claiming our spaces'
Carly Findlay, Daily Life, 3rd December 2015
... Last year I gave a speech, and was spoken over by a man who told me how he thinks I should feel ... I was taken aback by his response. I answered on my feet, to the whole audience. I said something like: "I think there is a perception that activists are negative when they share their and others' reality. The things I talked about happened to me. The statistics I quoted are real. I'm not going to gloss over them."

Attitude Foundation to up the ante on disability in Australia
Graeme Innes, Attitude Foundation, 1st December 2015
"We will be shown as neither victims nor heroes, but agents of our own destiny", Graeme Innes
We need a disability abuse Royal Commission
Craig Wallace, Open Forum, 2nd December 2015
So this International Day of People with Disability, instead of the usual celebrations, the most appropriate thing the new Turnbull Government could do is announce a Royal Commission into violence against people with disability to lance a great evil and cauterise the wound lest we repeat mistakes made in the institutions and practices of the past ... 

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