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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

News and commentary on the NDIS (42)

Our last compilation of news, commentary and opinion on the NDIS for 2015. In 2016, expect much more, as the full rollout begins from June:

Disability Loop eNews #11, 23rd December 2015

NDIS December 2015 eNewsletter

2016 To Do List: Making the NDIS the best it can be
Every Australian Counts, 21st December 2015
2015 has been a huge year for the NDIS. A new report looks at the year in review and what needs to be done in 2016.

The NDIS will transform the lives of people with disability, giving them the power to choose the supports they need to live the life they want. It will also transform communities, helping people with disability realise their dreams of jobs, independent living and a place in their local community ...

Every Australian Counts, 18th December 2015
The latest report on the progress of the NDIS roll out is full of good news: it shows that the number of people with individual plans is steadily rising, the cost of the scheme remains within budget and participants are generally happy with the experience ...

People with disability organisations critical to an NDIS future
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, 3rd December 2015
Disability Australia welcomes the announcement today by the Australian Labor Party on International Day of People with Disability to re-fund people with disability organisations that represent over 200,000 people with disability across Australia.

“We welcome today’s announcement and call for bi-partisan support for long-term stability and funding for people with disability organisations that were critical in achieving the NDIS”, said Matthew Wright, CEO of the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, and spokesperson for Disability Australia ...

Open letter to SMH - 'Primary disability sector supports NDIS, point blank'
Disability Loop, 7th december 2015
Disability advocate Tricia Malowney wrote an open letter to Rachel Browne, journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald - in response to a December 7 article called 'Disability sector has grave concerns about NDIS roll out' - explaining that people with disability and their families are the primary part of the ‘disability sector’ ...

Sorry, not my department – why the NDIS and health systems need to collaborate
Libby Callaway and Mark Brown, The Conversation, 8th December 2015
... Our research, released today, shows people with the highest physical and medical support needs risk being shunted between the heath and disability sectors, and missing out on timely, well-coordinated care.

To date, people with significant disability have reported some of the most unmet needs in the sector. They often rely on high levels of family support, spend prolonged periods in acute hospital beds, or enter residential aged care facilities because there are no other options available to them ...

8 NDIS Lessons from 2015
Roland Naufal, Disability Services Consulting, 21st December 2015
... It has been a year when we have started to see the fundamental change a market driven disability system will bring. Expect the change next year to be much bigger and much more challenging.

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