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Monday, 7 December 2015

NSW CID Statement on 'when ADHC stops and NDIS starts'

As the peak State body advocating for the interests of people with intellectual disability, the NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NSW CID) takes a keen interest in the development and implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, in all its aspects. 

This week, NSW CID has issued an important position statement about the closure of the NSW government's Ageing, Disability and Home Care services that will coincide with the full implementation of the NDIS:

When ADHC stops and the NDIS starts: what needs to happen for people with intellectual disability
The NDIS is an historic opportunity for people with intellectual disability to get the services they need and want. 
In this position statement, NSW CID spells out our stand on how these two processes should come together to ensure the best possible outcomes for people with intellectual disability ...
... NSW CID have been strong and leading advocates on these issues for some time but will be continuing our advocacy with the state and Commonwealth government and other key influencers. 
Ensuring the needs and wants of people with intellectual disability are front and centre of any major policy decision is key.

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