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Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Friday, 29 January 2016

Weekend reading: 30 -31 January 2016

Agent Carter > Born This Way
David M Perry, How Did We Get Into This Mess? 22 January 2016
Born This Way was the new Down syndrome reality show that aired over December and January. I wrote a review of it here as basically fine TV limited by its artificial format.

Here, though, is a really detailed essay on the show including, wonderfully, interviews with self-advocates about watching it. Opinions, of course, vary widely, no one is really upset by the show (nor should be), but not everyone is deeply moved or think it's transformative. Here's my favorite interview ...

Please Don’t Praise Me for Loving My Child With a Disability
Ellen Stumbo, 26 January 2016
It happens to most of us as we parent kids with disabilities, we hear statements like, “You are amazing, I could never do it.” “It must be so hard.” ...

Mary O'Hara, The Guardian, 27 January 2016
Zara Todd recalls two incidents from her schooldays that prompted her at an early age to campaign for the rights of children and young people with disabilities ...

Am I spoiling my child or accommodating his special needs?
Not the Former Things, 19 December 2014
... What I am expecting to hear, is that I am spoiling him. What I am sure she will say, is that I am too soft, too enabling, and too mothering. I am confident she will question how we educate, medicate, and communicate with him. And I can already feel the shame creeping in, as I think about her questioning his media time, obsession with Minecraft, and lack of exercise ...

Scott Monette, Friendship Circle, 26 January 2016
My son Matt is living with a disability, and as he transitions from high school, he’s exploring what it means to be an adult. Matt, like so many people with disabilities, wants to contribute to society, and he’ll thrive in the right career.

As a parent, it’s my responsibility to help him find it. But finding his right fit will require knocking on doors, embracing opportunities and keeping a positive outlook ...

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