Address details

Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Friday, 19 February 2016

Latest additions to events pages

These links provide information about events run by other organisations that might be of interest to people with Down syndrome, their families, carers and professionals who support them.

Person Centredness in Employment SettingsCentre for Disability Studies, University of Sydney: This Person Centredness in Employment Settings workshop covers the following topics:  Rationale for developing a culture of Person Centredness in disability organisations;  The meaning and value of work; Values that underpin Person Centredness and work;  Culture and Person Centredness in employment contexts; Demystifying the myths about Person Centredness and work; Enhancing Employment Services through Person Centredness; Supporting one another and growing in Person Centredness;  Being a Person Centred Support Person in an Employment Service. Facilitators: Clinical Professor Vivienne Riches; training consultant Ray Murray.
Monday 29 February and Tuesday 1 March 2016 - University of Sydney, Camperdown

(US) National Down Syndrome Congress 44th annual Convention
Each year, thousands of people from across the globe attend the National Down Syndrome Congress Annual Convention. For most, it’s to hear the latest information from world-renowned experts. For others, it’s a great vacation. But for nearly all, there’s the one-of-a-kind NDSC family reunion feeling that permeates the convention weekend.
July 21-24, 2016 - Orlando, Florida

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