Address details

Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Speak Up and Be Safe from Abuse - Communication toolkit and resources
Abuse is not ok. Everyone has the right to speak up. Scope was supported by the Victorian Government to produce a communication toolkit and resources for people with communication difficulties, to assist individuals to identify and report abuse ...

Wiki technology helps people with disabilities tell their stories

Durango Herald, 10 December 2016
Twenty-five years ago, if any wiki existed, it was a lyric from a Sheb Wooley song. Today, wiki technology shapes the way many of us access information. In the future, it may be the way people with intellectual disabilities tell their stories and manage their care ...
Endeavour Foundation
Friendship is an important part of life for most people, and brings a sense of shared interests, connectedness and trust. Sadly, there are some people who will use friendship to take advantage of others for their own personal gain.
Mate crime happens when a person is ‘befriended’ by someone who goes on to abuse or exploit that friendship. Most recently the shocking US crime involving a mentally disabled young man who was tied up for five hours and horrifically assaulted by a group led by his school 'friend' while being broadcasted on Facebook Live is an extreme example of such abuse of friendship and trust.

... We have produced an Easy Read Guide for people with an intellectual disability that’s designed to prevent mate crime. Download the guide ... and use it to help you have a conversation with the person you care for about the nature of true friendship and about mate abuse.
Young Carers NSW
Are you 25 years or under? Do you help to care for a family member or friend? If so, you might be a young carer. Young carers are children and young people, 25 years or under, who help to support a family member or friend who has a disability, mental illness, drug or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail.

The Who Cares? App is a free narrative based, self-identification tool designed to help young people with caring responsibilities to recognise their role and get the support they need. The App is home to the stories and voices of real young carers from all over NSW. The easy to use sharing function enables users to share these stories outside the App, with the broader community, giving the app an important role in building public awareness about the unique experience of young carers ...

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